Monthly Favorites 1,2&3

11:53 PM

Hey Y’all I haven’t been on much I’ve worked on this post for a while!
I have a very needy teething munchkin on my hands, but I wanted to share with everyone our favorites! Oliver is 4months old now so we will cover his One, Two, and Three month favorites.

Pampers- We did not like the baby dry kind at all! However the little swaddlers were awesome! We do cloth diaper now, but when Ollie was super tiny these were great! We got a bunch as gifts and they were such a lifesaver!

Playtex Nursers- These made the list for a few reasons. First they are disposable, with so many trips over the summer this was awesome! They are small but durable and easy to hold up! Ollie could wrap his little hand over them, which screams A-freaking-adorable!

Fisher Price My little lamb Cradle and Swing- This was one of our best investments! Oliver loved swinging in this when he first came home from the hospital it was very soothing. As he got bigger he loved sitting up in it and talking to his dancing little friends!

Nuk Binky- We seriously have so many of these! We tired every type out there and this worked the best for us. Ollie was tongue-tied at birth so this helped bridge the gap. These pushed against the roof of his mouth and helped him learn the correct swallowing technique.

Hand mittens- Ollie wore these all the time to keep his hands off his face and I was terrified to cut his nails the first month so these were a lifesaver!

Footed Pants- So, we had one newborn pair of these and I was constantly looking for them! I loved that they kept his little feet warm. Those darn newborn socks would not stay on period. We have invested in multiple pairs. I just can’t get enough of the cuteness!

Bumbo and Tray- We used this a lot after Ollie was able to hold up his head it was so cute seeing him sit up like a little man. I loved watching him look at his hands or his toys on his tray. 

Boon Grass Drying Rack- I die at the cuteness, I get giddy when I am washing bottles because it so freaking cute. Come on y’all its adorable and it take up no counter space I call it a total win!

Bright Starts Take A long Toy- Ok lets be honest, when your in a car with a new baby its only going to go one of two ways. Really Really Good OR your wishing someone ran you over with the car instead of driving it. Ollie would just scream and scream when we went for car rides. After we got this little gem its been smooth sailing. Thank you sweet baby Jesus!

Ellie The Elephant- Honestly I have no clue what this little guy is really called we got it at our baby shower and Ollie Just cracks up at it! I would have to say it THE Favorite of the month.

Cj’s Butter- We like to go natural when we can, but seriously this smells amaze-balls and it works just as well.

Rain Forest Play Mat- Ollie HATES tummy time. I can get him to play on this though I know its not much but seriously anything that will keep him on his tummy and entertained is PERFECT! I think it’s the mirror on this that he loves so much! He so vain, but I mean he is pretty freaking cute so I don’t blame him.

Infantino flip Carrier- So lets have a tiny moment of truth. I bought a super expensive stroller. We have used the crap out of it lately so look for that in next month’s faves! Okay to the point…. I know that they have super expensive wraps and carriers don’t worry I swooned over them. Frankly they just didn’t fit our budget and I had to settle on this one.
The kicker is, its worked freaking awesomely! It is also capable of multiple holds and Oliver loves being carried. Score 2 for this month!!

Lavender Bath Soap- Our nightly routine always involves bath time! We use the soap and the lotion and it really relaxes ollie and makes him feel all warm and fuzzy! Plus side of things it smells amazing.

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